A New Lease On Life!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Introducing Rick Rock (and he don't stop)

I can not believe my eyes when Rick and G walked in. What were they thinking? See for yourself!

This is one of endless reason why I love my husband so much. He is so secure about himself that he can pull a stunt like this and really have a good laugh. He's the best, I love you and thanks for making it so special, and making us all laugh so much!

Birthday Gang!

Thank you for those of you who got time off of work and came to my hip-hop class. I think it was one of the best birthday party ever. I laugh so hard! You guys were such a good sport and v. comfortable with the dance floor. Let's meet the gang. Ps. I think I will do this every year now!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Mum: There is nothing in the world that would describe how good of a mother you really are. You had given me the best husband that a girl could ever asked for. His amazing qualities stills touches my heart every single day. He has grown to be a good human being. You should be proud. I am honored to have this opportunity to share this on going motherhood experience with you. I only wish that one day I could follow your path and become a good mum too. I've learned a lot from you mum, even though I don't have a child of my own to prove it yet, but my interaction with children has changed tremendously since your family came into my life. Thank you for being who you are.

My mum: Thanks for giving birth to me, I know how painful it must have been for you. Since I inhareted the same fear of pain, I know how difficult facing pain can be. However I have not yet experienced this miricle pain of giving birth personally, and I can tell you I'm not looking forward to it. So thanks to you, that I'm here.

Lin: I love you and am ever so grateful that you are in my life. You have made me who I am today. Thank you for loving me so unconditionally and being proud of who I am and who I am becoming. Thank you for always being there for me no matter what. I look forward to sharing the rest of my life stories with you, there will be plenty of laughter and a few tears to come. We will enjoy every mintue of it. I love you and thank you for being so good to me.

To all the mother's out there: I honor you, your strength and your commitment to your family.

Remebering Angie

Happy Birthday Angie! I decided to surprise Rick by inviting some of our friends along with Ron, Amy and Aaron to join us on this special day. I sent Rick out to pick a nice rose bush to plant in a location of his choice. Why a rose bush? Rick had told me many years before "Angie was a romantic" to him this symblizes love, the love that she has for many people and the love that he has for her. (You are a romantic too Rick).

At first Rick wasn't sure if it's ok to invite so many of our friends who don't know Angie. I don't agree. It's important that people who are close to us know who she was. Like me, most of our friends did not have the previledge to know her. It is his job to keep her memory alive. Because from what I've been told, she was one kind and loving person who was always good to her friends and family. She would want our friends to know who she was.

The rose is now planted in front of our house, so Rick can see it everyday.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Art Day

Run Run Run!

Paloma had an event at school the other day. It's involved all the kids in the school running laps to raised money for I'm not sure what. I put down 50 cent a lap thinking she's going to do about 5 laps or so. Well I was wrong, she did 29. Good for her. Mariecella and her husband volunteer to help like many parents do. I was there purely for support. I ran a couple of laps with Paloma, she was so happy to see me there, which was extreamly rewarding.