A New Lease On Life!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Cabo Part IIII Hang Man

Great story about this resturant! The place is own by one of the surf instructor's family. One of the best Tacos we ever had. Great people, great food, and great atmosphere! We went back twice. Best kept secret off the beaten path in San Jose Del Carbo.

Sergio (the surf instrutor) told us that the name came from the original resturant before they moved to this location. It was by this big tree where in the old days they used to hang people. Their house was behind the tree, and they started serving food, until it became popular. They didn't have a name for the their place so people used to refer to it as "by the tree that hang people", "hanging tree", and adventually "hangman". So they kept the name.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Cabo Part III

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Cabo Part II

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Cabo Here We Come

Hello Hello!

I'm just going to let the pictures speaks for themselves. We had a great time. We loved it so much that we would definitely go back. I even asked my Dad (Steve) jokingly if he would want to buy the hotel, so that I can run it for him. Naturally he said No! It doesn't hurt to ask right! Enjoy. Thank you for surfing my blog. Love May

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Out Having Fun

Hi everyone, just a short note to let you know that my English parents, Lin & Steve are here visitng again. This is why I haven't had time to update my blog lately. The Carbo pics are red hot and ready to go. I just need to find the time to do it. So please be patient. Hope everyone are well, and thanks for keeping in touch. Love your way, May

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Nice Knowing You

Sorry this took so long to put together. The good news is, the chemo is finally over. Things are getting better everday. I can walk now not as much as I would like, but much better. Just taking a break before my next move, which will be surgery to remove my port, and than radiation. Not much to do but to smile.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Good Living

We got up late us usual. So we had to rushed through breakfast as Rick was late getting to work. So much for a nice romantic breakfast. What is that anyway? you alway see that in the movies, doesn't really happens in the real world unless you get up way in advance. Still we enjoyed it.

I had a good day overall, my best ever since this new drug. My spirit was high. Rick came home for a quick lunch. I hope he can come home on time today. So that we can start cooking early. Amy came by with her famous juice. It was good, sounds like lots of things in it. Seems very healthy but taste so good, how can it be?

Not going to write too much about this, since I'm getting little tired and hot. You guys can get the idea from the pictures though. Happy blogging.

Opps I should at least say, that Rick did very well in the kitchen. He made the main course and also did the best part of the blueberry cheese tart. I however had decided not to follow directions as usual, and had only use a quarter amount of butter that are needed for the crust. Well butter is bad for you, umm maybe I should be eating it in the first place. But we figured a way to make it work. Everything was yummie.

Ps. I highly recommend the champagne, also if you guys want reciep, let me know, they are fast and easy if you follow directions!