A New Lease On Life!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

What's that Smell?

We got to played with Valye a little before we left for Ashland. As you can see how adorable she is. Andrea was looking for a funny smell, and as it turns out it wasn't Valye after all. Umm I wonder what it was, I hope it wasn't me.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Birthday Bash Continue in SF

We started the drive home. Our first stop is San Francisco. Every time we are in town, we always stayed with Andrea & Kevin. I feel so bad since we never really there long enough to see my other friends. I would have love to see Sara with her new baby, also Carolyn and her new baby, Elise and her family, Barbara, Kristen, the list goes on. Maybe next time.

Drew took us all out to a great Latin American resturant in the Mission. It's great to hang out with Ranada, since we never get to see her that often. Kevin stayed behind and watched Valye. Thank you Kevin. Looks like we had a really good time, that should explained the hang over the next day. We had to drive on Rick's birthday back to Ashland, and heading to the strommy weather.

Andrea cooked us pancakes birthday breakfast with eggs. We say goodby to Kevin, Valye, and Andrea. See you at Christmas!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tubing Around

After a great night of drinking, and partying among ourselves. We decided to relax around the pool and work on our tans. I introduced Sudoku to Ron and Lisa, who got hitched right away. Oh Ohh, Sudoko junkie alert! Rick got a message from me, oh and I still owe Amy one. It's a rain check Aim, until next time, and it's only good in Palm Spring!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Milking the B-Day

Once we finally got to Palm Spring it was great. The traffic was so bad that it took us 4 hours to get there. Mum, Dad, Amy and Yogi left earlier in the day and it took them 5 or 6 hours. Gosh it was bad. Lisa, Rick, Ron and I went to see Heather at Val Surf before we eventually hit the highway arond 2.30pm. Opps and we did stopped off and have In and Out burgers too, yum.

We had birthday dinner for Rick. Dad and Ron cooked up the steaks, the weather was perfect so we get to eat outside, drinking way too much wine. Looks like Rick got some good pressie from everyone as usual. We all went for a walk and played (Ean invented game) Team Trivia, it was fun. Happy Night, oh yeah Amy and I got silly and were jumpping around and busting a few moves!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Super Feast Me

All the cuties arrived in style as usual for the big day. Grammie was up early baking the turkey and lots more. She still has her brust of energy during the day, which is amzing to me. I was exhasted watching her whisting about. It was nice to see Maryalice, Mark, and Aunt Anna. The Quintana's are looking good as usual. Thank you Grammie for hosting it again this year. I'm thank full for your sweet family and for my hubby as always. I love you all.