A New Lease On Life!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cosley Family Tree

Hi Guys,

It's been a long time, I know. Well you know how it is. Got so busy with work for the past year, hardly have spare time to myself. And when I do I prefer to dance than blogging :).

Well Thank you all for organizing and coming to the little mini-Cosley Family Reuion. I will try to put some photos up soon. Maybe after my big deadline in 2 weeks.

It was so nice to spend time with all of you. You guys are all so sweet and loving, very inspiring. We really enjoying hanging out with the family.

Anyway, here is a poster that Mum and I have been working on. It's a Cosley Family Tree, in hornor of Grandpa and Grandma. If any of you want to order one I will be happy to do that for you. If not I can send you a pdf, and you guys can print it yourself too (note: the size is a poster size. Kinkos and the usual copy places will not be able to print them on a laser printer-they do have an oversize printing but mostly likely will use an ink-jet printer and the type won't come out very sharp). But it's up to you.

I can order it for around $23 per print, plus shipping.
If you like to order one, please email me: mayalbano@reekieproperties.com, with your address and how many you want?
You can send us a check at: May Albano 2514 NE 49th Ave. Portland, OR 97213

Enjoy the rest of your summer! We know we will.